Hal Naragon’s 2022 Charity Golf Outing

Join us for the Second Annual Hal Naragon’s Charity Golf Outing on May 7, 2022
The ptoceeds raised for this charitable event will aid the Hal Naragon Memorial Scholarship Fund held at Barberton Community Foundation, which assists three Barberton High School seniors, one each from the baseball team, softball team, and a student pursuing a vocational or technical degree. Donations can be made payable to Barberton Community Foundation to support the golf outing or directly to the scholarship fund. This event also supports a local Akron/Canton National Guard or Reserve Unit.
Registration at 8:00 AM | Start at 9:00 AM
Entry Fee: $100/person or $400/foursome
For questions regarding sponsorship opportunities or raffle prizes, contact Chad Bradley at halnaragoncharities@gmail.com
Deadline to register is April 22 at 4:00 pm