Welcome from the Director

Welcome from the Director

Welcome From the Director


A close up photo of Josh Gordon in a gray suit.

Josh Gordon, Executive Director

I write this having recently completed my first week serving as the Foundation’s Executive Director. This position comes with many responsibilities – and opportunities. Rather than listing them all for you, I’d like to publicly extend the commitment I’ve already made to our Board of Directors.

To the city, school district, nonprofit community of Barberton, fund holders, donors, grant partners, business community, and residents of Barberton: my door is open to you!

My experiences in business, government, and nonprofit leadership have taught me that trust is earned through transparency and a sincere willingness to listen and learn. I have always believed in being persistently curious and asking questions (without a fear of looking silly)! I encourage everyone to share their curiosities with me.

I am interested in learning what you’re curious about when it comes to the Foundation. What have you heard about us but would like to verify? What are you curious about, but never asked? What is your question about how the Foundation works? Ask away! Please email me at jgordon@barbertoncf.org. Or, if you see me around town at a Magics’ Basketball games, Kave getting a cup of coffee, leaving a movie at Lake 8, getting a bite to eat at Remarkable Diner – or anywhere – stop and say hi and tell me what you’d like to know. If I don’t have an answer on the spot, I’ll get one and follow up with you.

Something I learned about the Foundation in my first week as Executive Director is that I am fortunate to be surrounded by so many people who care deeply about building our community. The kindness and warmth of the team, the Board, the Friends of the Foundation group, officials from the City and school district, have all made me feel welcome and supported.

Their kindness is appreciated, as we have a lot of important work to do together.

This year will continue our focus in economic development, building on the work that has begun in that area. The Foundation has many projects either actively underway or under consideration right now.

We also have work to do in how we share what we do with the community. I believe that the more everyone understands about how the Foundation gets money, how we grow the money we have, and how we give it away to charitable organizations and important projects, the more impact our resources will have.

We are all about impact here at BCF. The question we ask ourselves is: What can we do to have the most positive impact for the most people in Barberton?

Whether you have questions or ideas, I’d love to hear them.



Josh Gordon

Executive Director 


Barberton Community Foundation Selects Josh Gordon as Next Leader

Barberton Community Foundation Selects Josh Gordon as Next Leader

Barberton Community Foundation Selects Josh Gordon as Next Leader

Gordon Begins Executive Director Position in mid-January, Focus on Building Community-Wide Understanding of Ways Foundation can be Impactful.

December 6, 2023

Josh Gordon - a close up photo of Josh in a gray suit.

Josh Gordon starts as Barberton Community Foundation’s Executive Director on January 16, 2024.

Barberton Community Foundation is today announcing the selection of Josh Gordon as its next Executive Director.

Gordon is a long-time Barberton resident, husband and father of four kids who are all enrolled in the Barberton City School District.

He has also been an enthusiastic community volunteer and advocate, serving in various capacities with Barberton Community Foundation over the past decade including as a donor, board member, Educational Excellence committee chair, Vice Chair and Chair of the Board, and as a Friend of the Foundation. He has also worked on a variety of projects with the City of Barberton and the Barberton City School District to promote the community.

Gordon has over two decades of professional experience, beginning with radio, TV, and award-winning print journalism before entering the world of marketing communications. Gordon held various leadership positions in business, including leading marketing at an Akron-based software company and later as the global leader of marketing communications for ZimmerBiomet Surgical, a $600M+ division of global medical device company ZimmerBiomet.

Most recently he served as President at Full Spectrum Marketing, a full-service marketing communications firm in downtown Akron owned by Dix 1898. In his time with the firm it has grown over 9,200%, helped pass school levies in Barberton and other communities, in addition to serving the global business community with clients like Timken, Arctic Cat, as well as local and regional businesses.

“Josh is an experienced leader with an exceptional communications background and a true passion for Barberton,” said Jason Slater, Chair of the Board of Directors of Barberton Community Foundation. “I look forward to welcoming him to the Foundation in this new capacity.”

Gordon also serves as the chair of the Promotions Committee for Main Street Barberton and is a board member at Red Oak Behavioral Health, an organization that provides school-based mental and behavioral health services for K-12 students throughout Northeast Ohio.

“I am delighted to serve as the next Executive Director of this amazing institution,” Gordon said. “Though I have spent time involved with the organization in various capacities in the past, I am excited to work with our outstanding board and team to understand how to deepen our positive impact.


“I have a lot to learn, and like learning by asking questions. The first question I’ll ask is – if something is good for Barberton, what is the best way for the Foundation to be a partner?


“I really want to help everyone understand how the Foundation works. The more clear our role in the community is, the better partner we can be in everyone’s shared goal of building upon the positive momentum that is happening in the Magic City!”

Barberton Community Foundation’s Board of Directors will welcome Josh Gordon as Executive Director at its annual meeting on Thursday, January 18, 2024.



About Barberton Community Foundation

Established in 1996, Barberton Community Foundation has awarded over 8,500 grants and scholarships totaling more than $109 million since its inception. The Foundation strives to improve, now and forever, the quality of life for Barberton residents by providing leadership on vital issues, fostering collaboration, and creating a legacy of giving to do good. The Foundation strengthens the community for current and future generations by proactively directing its grant dollars to the community’s greatest needs. To read more about Barberton Community Foundation visit www.barbertoncf.org or follow us on Facebook.